Finding and Keeping a Job/SLES


As an approved provider of the National Insurance Disability Scheme- the NDIS, we, at Connections, want to help you make better choices to build independence and have control over your future.

Together we can help you connect with your local community, boost your confidence and transition into the workplace.

Whether it's paid employment, work experience or volunteering, we will work with you to build skills to successfully reach your goals.

Connections can help you with:

  • Volunteering

  • Work Experience

  • Approaching employers

  • Resume building

  • Travel training and independence

  • Employability and Interview skills

  • Managing a work and life balance

  • Obtain a qualification

  • Training and education

As a registered NDIS provider, Connections delivers:

  • Community participation

  • Daily participation (domestic support, mowing, cleaning, shopping, daily living skills training and respite)

  • Finding and keeping a job

  • Capacity building

  • Support coordination and supported independent living

School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES)

Are you in year 12 or have you just left school? If you have SLES in your NDIS plan, Connections can help you transition from school to work.
We provide a person-centred plan tailored to meet your individual goals, including work experience in open employment, job skills training and travel training.

We believe that with the right support, anything is possible.

Connections can help you with:

  • Identify your interests and skills

  • Communication skills

  • Confidence building

  • Understanding employer expectation

  • Team building

  • Budgeting

  • Personal presentation

  • How to work with others

  • Ways to apply for a job

  • Health and safety of yourself and others

  • Job preparation: resumes and cover letters

  • Gain a qualification or license

  • Training and education

And this list is not limited to just those. Talk with us about your goals and we can create a suitable plan to get you there.

If you are not a school leaver you may have "finding and keeping a job" in your NDIS Plan.

Finding and Keeping a Job

Whatever age you are, we can help you get work-ready and support you in the workplace as you find independence.

Get in touch with Connections to find out how we can help in you achieve your goals today, on 02 6722 4144 or